Feature Ideas

  1. Auto apply sales tax based on supplier

    From Facebook: "a feature to automatically apply sales tax based on which supplier was selected. For most, it is No sales tax, but some just refuse."



  2. Add Veeqo Shipping Integration

    Added from Facebook: Integrate Veeqo into IL accounting

    Abigail P
    #Integrations πŸ”—


  3. Low-inventory-level fee report

    Is it possible to separate the Low-inventory-level fee from the FBA fulfillment fee in our FBA Sales report? If not, maybe an average FBA fee over __ days? A standalone report for the Low Inventory fee itself might also be helpful. We could see how much the fee is affecting our ROI/Margin. The ability to ID when the fees starts, so we can raise prices would be helpful. From Shanon Morris from FB.

    Yoda Yee


  4. Add weight and dimensions as you box

    Added from Facebook: After finishing packing each box, the ability to input the weight and dimensions before moving to the next box. This would eliminate the need for extra steps and streamline the process.

    Abigail P
    #Improvement πŸ‘


  5. I would like 2D barcodes to show FNSKUs instead of ASINs

    I would like to see FNSKUs on 2D barcodes instead of ASINs. Here are the 2D barcode requirements: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/fba-help/QRG/FBA_2DBarcode_Requirements_en-US.pdf

    #Improvement πŸ‘


  6. List & Prep - I would like the ability to combine open batches

    Sometimes, I need to add items from one batch into another batch, so it would be nice to have the ability to combine open batches.

    IL Support
    #Improvement πŸ‘#Misc 🀷


  7. Add other marketplace integration (ebay, shopify, etc)

    Inventory Lab is a one-trick-pony. For Amazon, it does GREAT. But as soon as you expand your business off Amazon (which everyone should do), it quickly becomes a headache to keep managing Inventory Lab without integrations OR the ability to manually enter sales. This is especially cumbersome when your COGs change regularly (such as when purchasing stock in a foreign currency) where each of your replenishments has a different cost. Well, once you sell a unit on another platform, now your inventory flags as an inssue, and you have to manually adjust your numbers, hoping to find the specific replenishment that the sale came from, which then shows you only bought 8 items instead of 9 when you made the purchase.



  8. As a user, I would like the ability to reset my custom MSKU COUNT field

    Although this is set to make sure no MSKUs are the same, it would be nice to be able to reset this number manually in my account.

    IL Support


  9. Print Pallet Label As you Go

    Added from Facebook: When a pallet is full, be able to print the pallet label and then move onto building the next pallet.

    Abigail P
    #Improvement πŸ‘


  10. Walmart Seller!

    Please Integrate with walmart. The Walmart Experience sucks and I would love inventory tracking all in one place for my walmart and amazon stores. I don't need any adding inventory/prepping/sendtowalmart features at first, just basic order tracking/accounting would be a blessing.



  11. Move SKUs from one batch to another.

    Request by Ryan Uzzell "I have seen several occasions where we'll have 3-4 warehouses getting 1 unit of a couple sku's. We've just been deleted them from the shipment and then we get a more favorable # of splits. It would be nice that when we identify these problem sku's. If we could just move them to another batch to mess with at a later rather than having to delete from the current batch and re-add to another."

    Yoda Yee


  12. Automate Shipping Label Printing

    It would be nice if I could setup a default shipping label printer and have inventory lab automatically print the labels upon creation, instead of having to open the PDF and then go through the steps to print them. Seems like if I have gone through all of the steps to create a label, its highly intuitive that I am going to want to print that label.



  13. Scoutify - Include ASIN on Buy List Item Details Screen

    Added from FB: can we get the ASIN visible on the buy list screen somewhere? Screenshots below but can't see the ASIN anywhere in items that have been added.

    Vee Cole


  14. Include 3 in 1 labels

    Added from Facebook: 3 in 1 labels when shipping larger items allow the seller to not box the items that can be shipped As-Is.

    Abigail P
    #Improvement πŸ‘


  15. A way to search ONLY my listed items when adding to a batch

    When I'm adding items to a batch, there should be a way to just search a keyword from the title and have the IL system ONLY search within my own inventory (not search ALL Amazon listings). It's not helpful to me to have to find the specific ASIN in order to enter it just to find the item I want to add to my batch.

    Tara G
    #Improvement πŸ‘
